
Monday, June 9, 2008


Buenos Dias! (yes, I know that is Spanish!) It is my 3rd day here in Morocco and it was off to a running start this morning as I am working to establish a morning routine for myself.  Today began at 6:30 as I jumped (ok, crawled) out of bed and threw on some clothes to hit the street for a run.  My main goal this morning was to avoid the heat, the majority of people & their cars, and to not get lost.  I am happy to report that overall I was fairly successful!  

Having fallen out of my running routine for the past month or so I knew that running in Fes would be a bit of an adjustment, but my first day actually went better than expected.  I made it out of neighborhood and took a bunch of back roads eventually winding up where I ALWAYS seem to wind up when I leave the house (at this dirt field-grassy-not-quite-sure-what-it-really-is area) and from there I know my way pretty much all over the neighborhood, which is nice, but almost comical.  On my run I also passed whom I suspect is the only other crazy runner in this part of Fes, however being the alien white skinned red faced crazy blonde girl, I am sure I draw more looks of shock then he does.  I last for a good 20-30min before heading back into the house for a refreshing cold shower.  

Laundry (I decided it wasn't worth a whole new post)
So this morning after getting all cleaned up, I decided that it was time to do a round of laundry, since my running clothes were certainly not smelling so fresh.  Thanks to TMI and my previous experiences in Africa, I am a bucket washing pro! (I already hung my own clothes line on the balcony the day before! yes, be proud, VERY proud!)  Since no bucket was nearby nor laundry detergent available, I opted for the sink and a little of my shampoo.  It worked quite well and then I hung everything out to dry.  Absolutely Stunning, and quite the sense of accomplishment!

Time To Reflect
Realizing that I have had very little time for reflection these past few days and that I hadn't actually journaled since Frankfurt, I decided that a little quality time on my balcony was needed. I packed up some bread and juice from the kitchen and made myself at home on my extended room with my Bible and journal. I spent some time reading in the Psalms, Proverbs and the book of James. It was so wonderful just to quiet my mind and heart and sit with God. After journaling for a bit I started blogging (hence the sudden rush of pictures stories and the like), which has allowed me to recall even more of my adventures, as my time here certainly has been packed full. I am learning so much about this area, myself and life in general. I find it fascinating to hear so many different perspectives of life and our purpose here, it is quite enriching.

I know life can get busy and there is always somewhere that we need to be, but stop for a moment today to reflect and rest, it will do you a world of good. Love You All!