
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Royal Encounter

This morning our assignment was to get out and walk. Having been outlined on a map in our living we set out with a series of vague street names and well-known landmarks to ensure that we stayed the course. The goal was essentially to observe life, perhaps most commonly known as people watching.
We walked slow. I am NOT a slow walker. In fact, I am a very very fast walker. Therefore this also became an exercise in self-control. However, as we began to walk, my attention began to shift from the pace of our travel to the small and intricate details of life unfolding all around us. For most people the workday had just begun. Several houses on our street were being worked on, two guys were taking a nap on a patch of grass and the garbage pile down the road was softly smoking away (I guess I should explain that they burn the garbage here). Store fronts were opening, friends greeted each other with kisses and conversation, the city was awaking from its slumber and dusting itself off for yet another day.
Life is beautiful. The small intricate details that make up every motion, interaction, and step. The drama of our lives that seems to play out as a movie before us, where the script is recorded moment by moment, just as they come. In all the rush to get on with life, it can be easy to miss the details. This walk through town from our humble apartment up to the gates of the King’s splendid Palace in Fes was a gentle reminder to stop and enjoy the small details of life. To encounter each moment as it comes and not be to eager to race on to what lies ahead. For if we spend all our time trying to get to the next big event, then eventually we will get to the end and look back and regret all of the opportunities we missed.
The details of daily living are what make life worth living.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could not have said it better myself, well spoken.

love ya,
yer lil' bro :)